Yokohama Union Church International Pre-school (Naka-ku, Yokohama)

Yokohama Union Church(YUC) International Pre-school website
Address: 66 Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama  231-0862
Phone: 045-651-5177 Email:

The school is an outreach program of Yokohama Union Church. YUC fosters Christian beliefs and attitudes; providing a welcoming, safe and loving care in a stimulating, educationally sound, child-centered environment.  All sessions are conducted in English. To know more about the different toddler, preschool,kindergarten and afterschool classes, click here.

The pre-school aims to provide children with an environment structured to stimulate learning through play and exploration, and to give children opportunities to experience, develop and practice:

  1. social and personal skills
  2. gross and fine motor skills
  3. listening and speaking skills

1 thought on “Yokohama Union Church International Pre-school (Naka-ku, Yokohama)”

  1. bonjour je suis du canada et je recherche un monsieur ainsi que sa dame il se nomme Toshimitsu Tato il serat venue ici au quebec plus specialement dans une famille qui se nomme frenette de st casimir vers annee 1967 Il etait enseignant a seiko gakuin tenue par les freres de l institution vous connaissez j aimerais avoir des nouvelles ,MERCI a vous

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