IES English Preschool (Minami-ku, Tokyo)

IES English Preschool website

2-6-5 Tuttle Bldg 3F, Asabu, Minami-ku Tokyo 106-0044
Phone: 03-3586-5211

Morning preschool classes are held for 2- 4 year olds while afternoon classes are held for 4 – 6 year olds.

An English native speaking teacher is given charge of the morning classes for smaller kids and all lessons and activities are conducted in English. However, the teacher is supported by a Japanese assistant who has majored in childcare education or who has experience with childcare and early childhood education. (There are no Japanese assistants for the afternoon classes.

The programme aims to promote linguistic skills and expose children to the benefits of an immersion program in the most crucial years for language learning. This allwos communications skills to develop at a rapid pace.

The school also seeks to enhance the physical strength of the children through various sports and the game activities corresponding to child’s body developmental stage. Creativity and curiosity are encouraged and multicultural understanding, cooperation, independence are emphasized.

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