Church of Praise International Christian School (Ikeda city, Osaka)

2-11-5 Koda, Ikeda city. Osaka 563-0043
Phone/Fax 072-751-5181 Email:
Established since 2004 April, Church of Praise is a church-based Christian school with its own special curriculum and program featuring the following:
– A biblically based, integrated curriculum providing opportunities for children to explore concepts and absorb information by learning in ways that suit their different learning styles. The school recognizes that each child has their own type of intelligence and therefore, offers music, art, movement, math, social studies, nature explorations and science experiments as integral parts of the day. The curriculum is designed to meet the ways that different children learn, and provide opportunities for all types of intelligences to succeed.
– A curriculum based on Christian principles that will teach children social and moral skills for life.
– An integrated curriculum designed to ensure that each child develops both Japanese and English languages. Through studying various themes students will engage in activities where they will speak, listen, and write in both Japanese and English. Within the school’s daily program there are specific times for only speaking Japanese or only speaking English. The school program provides native speaking Japanese teachers as well as native speaking English teachers who will instruct in their native language.
– A physical activities program is designed to be fun, promote physical fitness, promote neuromotor skills, as well as, perceptual motor skills. Specialized physical activity has many benefits including health, brain stimulation that develops and improves the child’s attention span and thinking capabilities. The school program includes specific physical activities that are not only fun, but prepare children for higher forms of learning too.
– Learning centers that are designed to provide hands-on learning that coordinates with the theme being studied. Learning centers have many benefits. They allow children to have autonomy to explore their interests in a positive manner. Learning centers foster self-esteem, decision making abilities, individual and group.

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