Yokohama Chuo YMCA’s Bilingual Kids programme


Bilingual kids is an advanced English Immersion program catering for those who want the very best environment for their children in which to learn and play. Bilingual Kids’ philosophy emphasizes that children not only immerse in English in play and through instruction, but also develop critical skills and self-learning strategies that employ creative thinking developmentally appropriate for each child. Our philosophy takes into full account that each child will have a positive experience in class, which becomes the very basis of their English language learning experience. Through the development of cognitive skills via art and music children deepen their understanding of the world around them, and become better equipped to express through it. Thus language itself is not seen as something isolated from a child’s experience, their world.

Instead, it is right there with them: The outside is brought into class, expressed and played with; talked over, discovered with teachers, and among friends. The classroom time is a place for sharing and enrichment.

All classes are held in English. The classroom layout is typical of an international classroom setting. Children who are returnees, or who have attended an English-speaking International school will straight away understand that this is a classroom where we speak English and work towards that goal. Children familiar with the style and setting will help those new to such an environment. With this in mind the language that is used in the classroom reflects the learning environment. A teacher will always model correct and appropriate classroom language. Children are given appropriate language when the teacher feels the language use is inappropriate, or resembles playground slang, or is discourteous. Children are encouraged to use ‘natural thinking’ and communicate with classmates and teachers freely, applying this to a particular classroom activity or project enquiry.


2 times per week – 180 mins – cost:  26,670 yen plus entrance/registration fee: 1,000 yen


Yokohama city, Chuo – see access map here:

◇所在地 〒231-8458
◇電 話 045-662-3721(代表)
◇FAX 045-651-0169


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