Kathryn Lasky’s new biography of Charles Darwin for children

One Beetle Too Many: The Extraordinary Adventures of Charles Darwin

One Beetle Too Many: The Extraordinary Adventures of Charles Darwin
Kathryn Lasky, Matthew Trueman
¥ 589

A lively text and captivating images tell the story of the ever-curious boy who grew up to make one of the most significant discoveries of our time.From the time Charles Darwin was a boy, he was happiest when he was out alone collecting specimens (especially beetles). And despite his father’s efforts to turn young Darwin a poor student into a doctor or clergyman, the born naturalist jumped instead at the chance to sail around South America, observing and collecting flora and fauna all the way. In a clear, engaging narration, Kathryn Lasky takes readers along on Darwin’s journey, from his discovery of seashells on mountaintops that revealed geological changes to his observations of variations in plants and animals, suggesting that all… Read more

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