www.starfall.com (reading & literacy resource)

A testimonial from a parent from the EIJ forum:

“I LOVE www.starfall.com for teaching phonics, and my son loves doing it as it is computer-based. We also play a great game of “snap” (sort of!) where I lay out all the letters on the table, and make the sound, and the kids have to see who can be the quickest to touch the correct letter for the sound. They get a bonus point for then telling me what that letter is. We are going to graduate up from that game soon, to one where I make the sound for a word, and they have to pick up the right letters, and then tell me the word at the end, eg:

“kuh” (pick up a c)
“aah” (pick up an a)
“mmm” (pick up an m)
“puh” (pick up a p) – then tell me the word.

This is also great fun because if they pick up the wrong letter, we can end up with all sorts of hilarious variations (be careful if you are going for the words “spit” “slit” or “skit”!!!)

It’s great fun, fast and furious, healthy competition and gives us a lot of laughs! The kids love it.” — N.W.

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