Kids Duo – A kindergarten for Bilingual Education is planned to open in Yokohama in this fall

Kids Duo Website:


In Tokyo:
KidsDuo石神井: 東京都練馬区石神井台 7-22-41
オルフェパルク 1F
KidsDuo三鷹: 東京都武蔵野市中町 2-5-24
KidsDuo千歳烏山: 東京都世田谷区南烏山 3-25-12
KidsDuo国領: 東京都調布市国領町 1-30-3
KidsDuo経堂: 東京都世田谷区桜上水 2-2-5
KidsDuo世田谷 東京都世田谷区世田谷 1-14-17
KidsDuo玉川 東京都世田谷区上野毛 1-12-7
KidsDuo芝浦 東京都港区芝浦 4-9-18

In Kanagawa:
KidsDuo宮崎台 神奈川県川崎市宮前区馬絹1660-1 フューモビル1F
KidsDuoたまプラーザ 神奈川県横浜市青葉区美しが丘 1-6-5 コメールビル3階
KidsDuo港北ニュータウン 神奈川県横浜市都筑区北山田 1-12-6
功光ビル 1F
KidsDuo長津田 神奈川県横浜市緑区長津田 みなみ台
KidsDuo能見台 神奈川県横浜市金沢区能見台東 10-2

KidsDuo逗子 神奈川県逗子市逗子 4-1-7 046-872-9771
In Hokkaido:

KidsDuo札幌旭ヶ丘: 北海道札幌市中央区南9条西17丁目1-1 エスポワール旭山1階
KidsDuo札幌宮の森: 北海道札幌市西区二十四軒二条7丁目1-19

In Saitama:
KidsDuo川口: 埼玉県川口市川口 3-2-5
リプレ川口一番街 5号棟 201号

In Aichi:
KidsDuo本山 愛知県名古屋市千種区四谷通2-10 ルーツストーン ラ・メゾンビル

Kids Duo is a new type of school which provides after-school care and pre-school programs for children aged between 4 and 10. Our mission is to nurture children in a comfortable English-speaking environment where they listen and speak the English language in a natural way. With a mix of both native English speakers and bilingual staff, we aim to make a relaxed and friendly atmosphere for the children so that they can enjoy and learn English simultaneously here.

We at KidsDuo wholeheartedly believe that if children think, decide, and act by their own free will, they will exhibit higher levels of Jibunryoku. In order to cultivate this Jibunryoku, we provide an age-unbiased class atmosphere and healthy English-concentrated learning environment where students can be exposed to English for hours on end. In creating this type of space, we hope to not only improve our student’s English ability, but to also teach our students how to properly communicate to theirs peers and elders in society. In addition, at KidsDuo, students can experience both Japanese culture as well as culture from English-speaking countries through their education by our native English and Japanese bilingual staff. Our final goal is to raise our students into adults that can confidently take charge of the future and in doing so become great people.

At KidsDuo, we allow kids the opportunity to choose from various programs. In doing so, our students can enjoy learning in a positive environment. Furthermore, students can interact within a group culture and learn to communicate and care for their peers of different ages.

Kids Duo is operated under the management of the company, Tact Co.,Ltd. which has been focusing on the educational services, cram schools (School IE) and English teaching schools, over 20 years. The 1st Kids Duo school was opened in Kohoku New Town, Yokohama in 2008. They have since expanded to a 18 school network in 4 years, and are opening more schools at an even faster pace throughtout the country.

Tact Co.,Ltd. is a well-established and reputed company in the educational business field. The company offers great career options those looking to live long term in Japan


Source: Information from the Kids Duo website

6 thoughts on “Kids Duo – A kindergarten for Bilingual Education is planned to open in Yokohama in this fall”

  1. We are interested in visiting your school for our 7 & 10 yr old children while in Tokyo. Please leave an address & a time in which we can do that.
    Dawn & Ron Hirn

  2. I live in kanagawa yokohama. I would like to enroll my son in kids duo . I want ur contact details n someone who speaks english.i want to know ur fees n timings n transport facility if you provide,my son he is 4 yrs old.

  3. I am an American living in Osaka, Japan. I would like to get information on franchise start-up or opening a new store. What licenses will I need, permits, insurance etcetera. I am considering having a Japanese partner.

    Thank you in advance.


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