Famous well known brain techniques for learning and memory work

Before you start, you may well want to have a crash course on the human brain and how it works and the latest points on it that scientific research has come up with … a good place as any to start is here…
There is now a lot of information about brain techniques and brain-based education out there, but learning to use each technique actually requires that the child or student can actually focus and sit down long enough to learn the technique and put some effort into remembering these techniques and practising them. And getting a child to do this requires a parent motivating the child in the first place. This is what brain-based schools are about – and there are a few famous ones in Japan like the Shichida Academy that teach their students brain-based and many techniques to develop photographic memory.
However, if you as a D-I-Y parent are in need of some tips on how to help your child learn how to learn. Below are two articles to begin with which deal with the motivational issues of learning…
If tips on how to cope with standardized testing and being more effective and efficient students are what you seek, here also some excellent resources:
Learn how to memorize for test taking and make bettr grades – also check out their neurolight memory flash animation game
Finally, we come to take a survey at what are considered the world’s best brain techniques for memory work and effective learning and recall:
Journey technique
And if you want to blow your kid away or get him/her hooked onto mindmapping – get your kid to look at this cool site Mindmapinspiration.com
Free downloadable mindmapping software here
Last but not least, the oldest technique you probably know all too well as rote memory … is probably repetition or overlearning.
Five memory techniques (chunking, rhyming, mediation or bridging, bed-time recital, trying by not trying)
For the brain to function effectively, studies have shown two other conditions are necessary -sleep and proper nutrition or the right types of “brain food”. If you aren’t convinced the need to eat right … see the article “11 steps to a better brain” which says, ” According to research published in 2003, kids breakfasting on fizzy drinks and sugary snacks performed at the level of an average 70-year-old in tests of memory and attention. … But it isn’t simply a matter of getting some calories down… The brain is best fuelled by a steady supply of glucose, and many studies have shown that skipping breakfast reduces people’s performance at school and at work.”
Below are many resources on these food-related topics…
Boost your Brain Power (eating at exam time)
If you are looking at supplements, read … Harness the brain-boosting power of 12 smart nutrients
More miscellaneous tips on improving brain power:
4 ways to boost your brain power (January 11th, 2010 ) Is your kid getting enough sleep? Given a light meal before academic work (instead of a heavy meal?) and a diet rich in fruit and veggies? Provided with a relaxed and harmonious environment?
70 ways to improve your  brain power (source:  www.mindpowernews.com/BrainPower.htm)
More unusual kind of tips 3 ways to boost your brain “3 ways to boost your brain power
Recent studies show that playing certain types of games can improve memory and executive functioning skills:
Brain puzzles and mental fitness recommends buying  Mensa 365 Brain Puzzlers Page-A-Day Calendar 2010 (Page-A-Day Calendars) ( only $6.49 at Amazon.com)
Brain Games Online (by Luminosity)
This one smacks of commercialism and is pitched for those who younger kids, but hey, it’s fun to know and for those who need the props here goes …

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