Kouzouji Kids Garden Preschool (Kasugai City, Aichi prefecture)

Kouzouji Kids Garden Preschool website: http://www16.ocn.ne.jp/~kkgarden/ (Japanese only)

Kozoji-cho 6-8-14 Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture (see access map)
Phone/fax 0568-53-4365 Email: kkgarden@blue.ocn.ne.jp

The school offers a preschool English immersion program for two to five year old children, catering mainly to Japanese families that wish for their children to be come bilingual while preserving their mother tongue. To foster bilingual children, the preschool provides 6 hours of daily exposure (9-3pm) to English through their English-and-Japanese pair teaching teams.

They are read aloud to, learn to read aloud using the phonics method, and to write by using the phonics when turning five years old. Using the Oxford Reading Tree program, the preschool kids are expected to eventually be able to read at Stage 4 level of Reading Tree of the Oxford program books.

The preschool seeks to allow children to develop  senses through the school’s excellent teaching material and the play equipment in bright play rooms. The preschool also seeks to enrich the child’s life through various experiences to encourage individuality and self expression.

The school stresses experiential learning – ingredients of the school lunch may be harvested in the field and the school children go on excursions and visits such as to the fire station.

Also available from the school are English conversation classes and afterschool classes for older post-preschool children.

Overtime childcare until 5:30 is provided with early morning drop-offs from 8:30 am. Winter, summer and spring vacations are for about two weeks.

2 thoughts on “Kouzouji Kids Garden Preschool (Kasugai City, Aichi prefecture)”

    1. Hello Mrs Inagaki its Michelle from South Africa. I hope you are well and that Kids garden is doing well. Thank you for all the wonderful experiences. I am now a full time Gr R teacher for 5-6 year olds. I often share my memories with daughter Teshura who is 6 and hope to bring to visit you one day. Matane your friend in Minami Africa

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