Dress code rules of a public school - as drawn by a student
Dress code rules of a public school – as drawn by a student

Updated: Mar 2015


  1. As a single non-japanese parent its hard to find affordable HIGHSCHOOL where they teach a lot of ENGLISH as my kid is half-japanese but I cant afford international education.Where can I find affordable SCIENCE and MATH-classes in addition to highschool-entance-exams? I live in Tokyo,Setagaya-ward

  2. Hi!
    I’m a foreign, 3rd year junior high school student, and I’m preparing to take the essay examinations at Tokyo Metropolitan Kokusai high school, and I was wondering if you could help me by critiquing the essays I wrote on my blog? If you also happen to know anyone who was an alumni, or have worked as a teacher there, if it’s okay, could you give me his/her contact details? This is a big step on my life here in Japan as a foreigner, and I want to do my best, but competing with so many other students, admission is not guaranteed for me. So, any kind of help, advice, or anything would be greatly appreciated! And thank you for this blog! 🙂

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